2023 NESA-AFRICOM Changing Nature of Security, Capacity, and Institutions Workshop
From 11–16 June 2023, the Near East South Asia (NESA) Center for Strategic Studies conducted, in partnership with U.S. Africa Command, the “NESA-AFRICOM Changing Nature of Security, Capacity, and Institutions Workshop” in Casablanca, Morocco. Security discussions on capacity building and the...
Alumni Publication: "The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order: A Book Critique" by Lt Col Thokozani Chazema
On 19 January 2024, the NESA Center for Strategic Studies published NESA Center alum Lt Col Thokozani Chazema's critique of Samuel P. Huntington's 1996 book The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order – a thesis which argues people's cultural and religious identities...
Alumni Publication: "Perception’s Role in Conflict: Understanding and Mitigating its Impact" by Charani Patabendige
On 14 July 2024, Modern Diplomacy published NESA Center alumna Charani Patabendige's latest article titled "Perception’s Role in Conflict: Understanding and Mitigating its Impact." "The human mind is a mystery surpassing horizons. What is going on in the mind of a person, the...