NESA Center Alumni Publication

Alumni Publication: "Diplomacy and the Concept of National Security" by Dr. Saifaldin Al-Darraji
On 2 May 2021, Medium published NESA Center alum Dr. Saifaldin Al-Darraji's article titled "Diplomacy and the Concept of National Security." "The role of diplomacy in facing the challenges and threats to which the state may be exposed is no less than the role of the security and...

Alumni Publication: "How has the role of U.S. National Security Adviser (NSA) evolved since 9/11?" by Dr. Saifaldin Al-Darraji
On 10 August 2021, Medium published NESA Center alum Dr. Saifaldin Al-Darraji's article titled "How has the role of U.S. National Security Adviser (NSA) evolved since 9/11?" "In the context of the NSA’s role post-9/11, my paper argues it is essential that the different...

Alumni Publication: "What is the purpose of terrorism and does it work?" by Dr. Saifaldin Al-Darraji
On 26 August 2021, Medium published NESA Center alum Dr. Saifaldin Al-Darraji's essay titled "What is the purpose of terrorism and does it work?" In this paper, Dr. Al-Darraji investigates the purpose of terrorism, considers the alternative perspectives on the subject and the...

Alumni Publication: Algeria-U.S. Strategic Partnership by Dr. Arslan Chikhaoui
The contemporary relations between Algeria and the United States of America date back to U.S. President John F. Kennedy’s support for the war of liberation against French colonialism. After regaining its independence, trade, energy, and security have been the factors of rapprochement...

Alumni Publication: Ayman al-Zawahiri's Death and Political-Economic Fragility in South Asia
Political and economic dysfunction is an invitation for terrorism to flourish in the least integrated region in the world, South Asia. P.R Chari, director at IPCS India, captured this a year after the 9/11 attack in a paper called “Combating Terrorism: Devising cooperative countermeasures,”...

Alumni Publication: "Strategic Analysis of National Security" by Dr. Saifaldin Al-Darraji
On 8 November 2022, Medium published NESA Center alum Dr. Saifaldin Al-Darraji's article titled "Strategic Analysis of National Security." "In this brief article, we will talk about three important areas that are directly related to national security issues, where we will...

Alumni Publication: Transforming Higher Education in Africa by Moha Ennaji
NESA Center alumnus Moha Ennaji recently published an Op-Ed in Project Syndicate titled "Transforming Higher Education in Africa." "The COVID-19 pandemic has had a particularly devastating effect on African universities, revealing vast inequalities and a lack of technological capacity. Fixing...

Alumni Publication: The I2U2 minilateral group by Viraj Solanki and Dr. Hasan Alhasan
NESA Center alumnus Viraj Solanki contributed to an analysis of the recent formation of a new quadrilateral group, the I2U2, published at the International Institute for Strategic Studies. "The leaders of four countries – India, Israel, the United Arab Emirates and the United...

Publication des anciens : L'Algérie au centre de la politique africaine des Etats Unis à l’Ere d'une nouvelle dynamique géopolitique (Analyse) par le Dr Arslan Chikhaoui
A l’occasion de sa récente conférence de presse, Madame l’Ambassadeur des Etats Unis à Alger, Moore Aubin, a déclaré que: “….notre coopération sécuritaire et notre guerre commune contre le terrorisme sont la pierre angulaire de nos relations bilatérales, ainsi les deux pays œuvrent...

Publication des anciens : L'Algérie est en faveur d'une zone exempte d'armes de destruction massive dans la région par le Dr Arslan Chikhaoui
L’Algérie vient d’être élue en qualité de vice-présidente de la 27e session de la Conférence des Etats parties à la Convention sur l’interdiction des armes chimiques, qui se déroule à La Haye du 28 novembre au 2 décembre 2022. En effet, la politique de l’Algérie est en faveur d’une “zone exempte...

Alumni Publication: Europe’s security future by Dr. Eman Ragab
NESA Center alumnus Dr. Eman Ragab considers EU security in the light of the Ukraine war in this piece published by Ahram Online. "In their meeting on 15 November, the EU foreign ministers discussed the EU’s defence and security role and the action plan for developing a European Rapid Deployment...

Publication des anciens : Sommet USA-Afrique – Le continent Africain, enjeu de la nouvelle dynamique géopolitique (Analyse) par le Dr Arslan Chikhaoui
Après les sommets “France-Afrique”, “Russie-Afrique”, “Turquie-Afrique”, “Chine-Afrique” et “Japon-Afrique”, c’est au tour de Washington de concrétiser l’idée lancée à Abuja par le Secrétaire d’État américain Antony Blinken. Un sommet “USA-Afrique” avec les responsables américains et...

Publication des anciens : Algerie-France : Contentieux Nucleaire (Analyse) par le Dr Arslan Chikhaoui
L’Algérie signataire du Traité de Non-Prolifération des Armes de Destruction Massive continue sans relache à réclamer l’identification et la décontamination des sites d’enfouissement des matériaux radioactifs qui a eu lieu après le début des essais nucléaires de la France coloniale dans le...

Alumni Publication: Pressure the Taliban to protect women’s rights by Shanthie Mariet D’Souza
NESA Center Alumna Shanthie Mariet D'Souza authored an opinion piece published by the Hindustan Times on 19 January 2023 titled “Pressure the Taliban to protect women’s rights.” Read the piece here The views presented in this article are...

Publication des anciens : Sommet de Davos 2023 (Analyse) par le Dr Arslan Chikhaoui
Au regard des discussions au Forum de Davos, je réaffirme sans ambiguité que le paysage mondial s’achemine vers une cartographie géopolitique et géoéconomique multipolaire qui se dessinera avec ses certitudes et ses incertitudes résumées comme suit : Les Certitudes Une...

Publication des anciens : L'Algérie affirme son appartenance géoéconomique méditerranéenne avec sa profondeur africaine par le Dr Arslan Chikhaoui
Depuis la crise politico-militaire Russo-ukrainienne, la région Méditerranée s’est révélée le théâtre de manoeuvres politico-diplomatiques de puissances. Elle est ainsi le premier des théâtres géopolitiques. La Méditerranée est, par voie de conséquence, un enjeu à trois niveaux: stratégique,...

Alumni Publication: Turkey’s Upcoming General Election and LGBTQ+ Issues by Simone Bekker and NESA Center Alum Hussein Solomon
NESA Center Alum Hussein Solomon and Simone Bekker authored an article published by Middle East Tracker on 4 February 2023 titled "Turkey’s Upcoming General Election and LGBTQ+ Issues." Read the article here The views presented in this article...

Alumni Publication: China’s Challenges in Afghanistan Are Just Beginning by Shanthie Mariet D'Souza
NESA Center Alumna Dr. Shanthie Mariet D'Souza authored an article published by The National Interest on 6 February 2023 titled “China’s Challenges in Afghanistan Are Just Beginning." Read the article here The views presented in...

Alumni Publication: "National Defence Strategy" by Dr. Saifaldin Al-Darraji
On 9 February 2023, Medium published NESA Center alum Dr. Saifaldin Al-Darraji's article titled "National Defence Strategy." "The military institutions are the most accommodating of the internal disturbances that countries are going through, and they are the most important...

Alumni Publication: Pakistan Must Course-Correct - Playing politics will not save the Indus Waters Treaty by Uttam Sinha
On 10 February 2023, Open Magazine published NESA Center alumnus Uttam Sinha's latest op-ed titled "Pakistan Must Course-Correct - Playing politics will not save the Indus Waters Treaty." Read the article here The views presented in this...