Adult Learning

Photo of Woerner Hall, George C Marshall Center
2016 Marshall Center Scholars Selected

In late July the Alumni Office announced it was accepting applications for the 2016 MC Scholars Program and by the 30 September deadline we received 100 applications!! This was far beyond our expectations but certainly reinforced our need for the program. After carefully reviewing all...

2016 Perry Award Recipients
2016 Perry Award Recipients

On September 27, the Perry Center honored two institutions that have made significant and sustained contributions in security and defense education. The Technical Secretariat of the National Security Council of Guatemala and the Center for Defense Policy Studies, also of Guatemala, received...

2017 Alumni Scholars Announced

The Alumni Programs Office is pleased to announce the winners of the 2017 Marshall Center Alumni Scholarships. This year, we solicited applications from nearly 12,000 alumni, and received over 200 proposals for 8 available scholarships. The Faculty Scholarship Committee read through all...

IPOC 21-2
A Record-Setting 235 Fellows Graduated from the Indo-Pacific Orientation Course!

The Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies graduated a record-setting 235 Fellows from Indo-Pacific Orientation Course 21-2. Administered November 15-19, 2021, IPOC 21-2 was the second course planned and executed in a HyFlex model. Professor James Minnich, course manager...

Jordanian Army First Lieutenants Zaid AL-Awawdah (far left) and Basil Al-Amro (far right) pose next to a couple of Panamanian Folk Dancers who performed at the San Antonio Folk Dance Festival.
A Worldwide Experience Gained from One Location

On Saturday, March 18, we attended a DLIELC trip arranged by the International Field Studies Office. It was to the 59th An-nual San Antonio Folk Dance Festival held at Our Lady of the Lake University. This was our first time attending a fes-tival like this. It was a really amazing, unique...

ADL attendees attend a workshop on 'Motivational Design in E-Learning', taught by CDR Geir Isaksen (NOR)."
ADL WG meeting in Riga, Latvia

Riga, Latvia (May 17, 2016) -- The Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Working Group, sponsored by the Partnership for Peace Consortium (PfPC) met from 25 - 27 April 2016 in Riga, Latvia. The Latvian National Defence Academy hosted over 40 Advanced Distributed Learning experts from 15...

ADL WG in Gerogia 2016
Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Working Group meeting in Georgia

Tbilisi, Georgia (28 November, 2016) – The Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL)/Technical Standards Working Group conducted its latest workshop in Tbilisi, Georgia from 15 – 17 November 2016. This event brought together 40 experts from 16 countries to review modern e-learning standards and...

Alumni Perspectives: Developing the Human Resource Potential of South Asia

While attending APCSS courses, Fellows are required to complete a Fellows Project which may be done as a presentation, research paper or policy brief. APCSS is now making these papers available on line with our new “Alumni Perspectives” publications. A recent graduate of the Advanced...

Dr. Wiesekara
Alumnus Dr. Novil Wiesekara Speaks at Comprehensive Security Course 22-1

This week DKI APCSS welcomes alumnus Dr. Novil Wiesekara as a guest speaker to the Comprehensive Security Course 22-1. Originally from Colombo, Sri Lanka, Dr. Wijesekarya is an alumnus of the Comprehensive Crisis Management Course (CCM) that took place in February 2020. As part of his...

rry Center welcomed visitors from the Argentine American Dialogue
Argentine American Dialogue Visits the Perry Center

On Thursday, November 10, the Perry Center welcomed visitors from the Argentine American Dialogue as part of that organization’s one-week visit to Washington, D.C., to observe U.S. national elections. The delegation included 50 current and former government officials, as well as influential...

2017 Call
Call for Nominations 2017 / Convocatoria de Candidaturas 2017

The William J. Perry Award for Excellence in Security and Defense Education Click to download the brochure (.PDF) Every year, the Perry Center recognizes individuals who and organizations that have made significant and sustained contributions advancing mutually supportive approaches to...

CEDEYAC on its 15th anniversary
CEDEYAC and CAEN Defense Studies Celebrations

The Perry Center congratulates the Defense Strategic Management and Crisis Management Course CEDEYAC on its 15th anniversary. Dr. Luis Bitencourt, on behalf of the Perry Center, participated in anniversary celebrations and the graduation of the 30th course of the CEDEYAC on October 27, 2016....

Chile’s Naval War College (ACANAV)
Chilean Naval War College Visits the Perry Center

August 10, 2016 On August 9, the Perry Center hosted a delegation of staff and students from Chile’s Naval War College (ACANAV) as part of that institution’s annual visit to the United States. Led by ACANAV Director CAPT Gonzalo Peñaranda Moran, the 53-person delegation included students...

NSO Digital Badges
Digital Badges at NSO

A digital badge is essentially a validated indicator of accomplishment that will enable NSO students and instructors to share their credentials on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter, via email or embedded in a personal website, in a way that can be credibly verified. When an individual clicks on a...

Captain Warren Judge, Commanding Officer, United States Coast Guard Training Center, greets Coast Guard recruits during his visit for the Defense Language Institute English Language Center graduation of Omar Perez Torres and Madelin Germosen Santos. Torre
DLIELC graduates first Coast Guard recruits

JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND, Texas –The journey is just beginning for two United States Coast Guard recruits who joined U.S. Army Echo Company to study English at the Defense Language Institute English Language Center. Seamen Pedro Juan Perez Torres and Madelin Germosen Santos attended...

Encounters with Excellence
Encounters with Excellence | Brandon Smith: The Library

In the Encounters with Excellenceseries of videos we hope to highlight some of the incredible people and resources that APCSS utilizes to Educate, Connect, and Empower. In thisinstallment of Encounters with Excellence, Brandon Smith, our Research Librarian, discusses some of the...

FY18 Projected Workshops

This is a list of the projected DKI APCSS workshops for FY18.

Gaming Major Power Rivalry and Climate Disasters Using Systems Tools

“Gaming Major Power Rivalry and Climate Disasters Using Systems Tools” is the title of paper by DKI APCSS’ Dr. Deon Canyon and former visiting scholar Jonathan Chan forSecurity Nexus. This paper documents a methodology for creating crisis-games that are designed to explore possible futures in...

Command for Education of the Armed Forces of Guatemala (COSEDE)
Guatemala’s Command for Education of the Armed Forces (COSEDE) visits the Perry Center

On Monday, November 28, the Perry Center received a delegation from the Course of Superior Strategic Studies (CAEE) of the Command for Education of the Armed Forces of Guatemala (COSEDE). The delegation, led by Brigadier General Byron Gutierrez, COSEDE Commander, included 41 students. Director...

iFest 2019 NSO Poster
iFest 2019

The National Training and Simulation Association (NTSA), in collaboration with the Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Initiative, hosted iFEST 2019 at the Hilton Alexandria Mark Center (Alexandria, Virginia, USA) 26-28 August 2019. Over 350 attendees from the military, government, industry,...


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Nov Newsletter
DKI APCSS Alumni Newsletter

Click here to read the most recent Alumni newsletter.

NATO Training Technology Conference

You are invited to Everything Learning and Technology! When? 11-13 June, 2019 Virginia Beach, USA As the leader for shaping the future of NATO training, NATO Allied Command Transformation has organised this three-day collaborative event to inspire you with keynotes that hit home,...

Online courses available

This list of is updated often with online courses avaliable on PfPC LMS Powered by GlobalNET: Introduction to NATO (v.7.2) - 2017 The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to NATO structures, policies and operations, as well as, an overview of the current issues facing the...

Podcast Feed

Welcome to the APCSS Podcast and Video Gallery Feed.

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