Crime-Terror-Insurgency Nexus
Crime-Terror-Insurgency Nexus The convergence of crime, terrorism and insurgency and its threat to security.
Honduras Transnational Threats in the Northern Triangle
Perry Center Professors Boris Saavedra and Celina Realuyo conducted a Countering Transnational Threats in the Northern Triangle Seminar in collaboration with the Colegio de Defensa Nacional (Honduran National Defense College) in Tegucigalpa, Honduras on February 23, 2017. The seminar addressed...
2017 Alumni Scholars Announced
The Alumni Programs Office is pleased to announce the winners of the 2017 Marshall Center Alumni Scholarships. This year, we solicited applications from nearly 12,000 alumni, and received over 200 proposals for 8 available scholarships. The Faculty Scholarship Committee read through all...
2023 Alumni Scholars Announced
The Marshall Center is pleased to announce the winners of the 2023 Alumni Scholars Program. This year we received 150 applications for10 available scholarships. The competition was extremely tough, and we congratulate all applicants on their outstanding work assembling their packages. Below...
APCSS Faculty attend Sovereign Challenge Conference
Dr. David Fouse and Dr. Alfred Oehlers attended the 2014 Sovereign Challenge Conference held at National Defense University, Washington D.C., April 22-24, 2014. Hosted by the U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), this was the twelfth in the series of Sovereign Challenge conferences. This...
Counter-terrorism course prepares 108 Fellows to face regional challenges
One hundred and eight Fellows from 49 different locations or organizations graduated from the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies’ Comprehensive Security Responses to Terrorism (CSRT) 18-1 course in Honolulu Aug. 8. The size of this course and number of locations...
GCMC and CEMA University in Argentina Hold VTC on Counterterrorism
On Tuesday, 11 July 2017, the Marshall Center and the CEMA University in Buenos Aires conducted a VTC as part of a CEMA conference on "Transnational Threats: Narcotics and Terrorism". Marshall Center PTSS Program Director James Howcroft spoke via VTC to the audience in Argentina on...
In war on terror and ISIS, South Asia is fighting itself
In his latest OpEd, Prof. Shyam Tekwani writes that regional leaders have made a show of standing together on terrorism, but individually they use anti-terror laws to suppress dissent and minorities. The OpEd for the South China Morning Post entitled “In War on Terror and ISIS, South Asia is...
NESA-AFRICOM Transnational Threats Part II/II: A Look at Shared Illicit Activities – Illegal Mining, Cultural Smuggling, and Wildlife Crime Online Roundtable
On 4 October 2023, NESA Center Professor Anne Moisan and Academic Specialist Fahad Malaikah conducted the“Transnational Threats: A Look at Shared Illicit Activities – Illegal Mining, Cultural Smuggling, and Wildlife Crime”online roundtable, the last in the series of in-person and online...
New Africa Security Brief Released
As in much of Africa, the vast majority of security threats facing Nigeria are internal, often involving irregular forces such as insurgents, criminal gangs, and violent religious extremists. Effectively combating such threats requires cooperation from local communities—cooperation limited by...
Perry Center Professor Conducts Counterterrorism Financing and Anti-Money Laundering Seminar in Panama
Perry Center Professor Celina Realuyo conducted a counterterrorism financing and anti-money laundering seminar titled “Following the Money Trail to Combat Terrorism, Crime and Corruption” for the Superintendency of Banks of Panama on April 10, 2017 in Panama City, Panama in collaboration with...

Perry Center Professor Speaks at AEI
Experts on transnational organized crime and corruption in the Americas met at AEI on Friday to discuss ongoing challenges in tackling the region’s evolving crime landscape. AEI’s Roger Noriega spoke with El Salvador Attorney General Raúl Melara about the United States’ partnership with El...
Perry Center Visits Ecuador
April 15, 2019 The Perry Center Director, Lieutenant General (ret.) Frederick Rudesheim, professors Celina Realuyo and Dr. Boris Saavedra along with Kara O’Ryan from the Alumni and Academic Outreach Office traveled to Quito, Ecuador from 1-3 April, 2019 for three days of academic and...
Residential Phase of HR/ROL and CTTN 2019 Courses Come to a Close
April 08, 2019 On Friday, March 29, The Perry Center celebrated the graduation of students participating in the 2019 Combatting Transnational Threat Networks (CTTN) and Human Rights and Rule of Law (HR/ROL) courses. Attended by more than 80 civilian and military officials from across the...
Security Professionals Improve English Language Skills to Fight Terrorists
By Christine June Public Affairs Office George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies GARMISCH-PARTENKIRCHEN, Germany (March 12, 2019) – To feel more confident speaking about counterterrorism topics in a language that is not their native tongue, seven security professionals...
The Global Islamist Extremist Threat: Still Significant in 2021
Abstract: Violent Islamist extremism remained the most potent terrorist threat to global stability in 2020 and will remain so in 2021. Six trends were observed the past year: the continuing salience of lone actors; the involvement of women and family networks in combatant roles; the...
Two Courses Begin at the Perry Center
On Monday, April 24, 2017 two courses began at the Perry Center: Strategic Implications of Human Rights and the Rule of Law (HR/ROL) and Combating Transnational Organized Crime and Illicit Networks in the Americas (CTOC). Over 80 military and civilian officials from 18 Western Hemisphere...

The Rapid Evolution of the MS-13 in El Salvador and Honduras from Gang to Tier-One Threat to Central American and US Security Interests
The Mara Salvatrucha (MS 13) gang is now a tier one criminal, political, military and economic threat in the Northern Triangle. While it employs differing strategies from country to country, the organization nonetheless competes with – and often defeats – the state in important theaters of...

Tácticas Terroristas en Organizaciones Criminales: El Caso de México
Coches bomba que lanzan esquirlas en áreas urbanas repletas de gente y que son detonados en forma remota desde celulares. Cuerpos torturados con mensajes amenazadores dirigidos al público o al gobierno. Políticos acribillados a balazos por su trabajo. Estas escenas parecen evocar a Siria o...

Turmoil in the Western Hemisphere
As Latin America undergoes perhaps the most significant period of instability in the past two decades, Cabello’s words represent a battle plan for Venezuela’s Maduro regime to destabilize the hemisphere. His statement would have seemed to be empty rhetoric only a few months ago, but now seems an...