Security Studies
Alumni Publication: "G7 Summit: Algeria Strategic Partner in Mediterafrica" by Dr. Arslan Chikhaoui
On 15 June 2024,theNESA Center for Strategic Studies published alum Dr. Arslan Chikhaoui'slatest article titled"G7 Summit: Algeria Strategic Partner in Mediterafrica." "The presence of the President of Algeria at this summit will be an additional opportunity to reaffirm Algeria’s principles,...
Alumni Publication: "The Nexus between Transnational Organized Crime and Terrorism in Latin America" by Christian Vianna de Azevedo
NESA Center alumChristian Vianna de Azevedo authored theUnited Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) report,"The Nexus between Transnational Organized Crime and Terrorism in Latin America." The report,published on 18 June 2024, explores the intricate relationships...
Alumni Publication: "Surrendering to the Taliban in Doha: The UN’s volte-face on Afghanistan" by Shanthie Mariet D'Souza
On 1 July 2024, Middle East Institute(MEI) published NESA Center alumna Shanthie Mariet D'Souza's latest analysis titled"Surrendering to the Taliban in Doha: The UN’s volte-face on Afghanistan." "Ensuring the Taliban’s attendance at the third UN meeting on Afghanistan in Doha required making...
Alumni Publication: "Fostering Social Media Literacy: Addressing Terrorism and Extremism in the Digital Age" by Charani Patabendige
On 02 July 2024,Modern Diplomacypublished NESA Center alumnaCharani Patabendige's latest article titled "Fostering Social Media Literacy: Addressing Terrorism and Extremism in the Digital Age." "Social media has become more than a platform of entertainment. It has become a battlefield with the...
Alumni Publication: "A Grand Bargain with the Taliban in Doha" by Shanthie Mariet D'Souza
On 5 July 2024,The Diplomatpublished NESA Center alumnaShanthie Mariet D'Souza's latest article titled"A Grand Bargain with the Taliban in Doha." "The Taliban certainly need to be engaged. But it can’t be at the cost of the rights of women and girls," writesD'Souza. Read the full article...
A Shared Interest: Why India and Pakistan Should Strengthen the Indus Waters Treaty
On 27 June 2024,The Stimson Center published a paper authored byAnuttama Banerji of the National Maritime Foundationtitled "A Shared Interest: Why India and Pakistan Should Strengthen the Indus Waters Treaty." Read the article. The views presented in this article are those of...
CSAG Information Paper: The Israel-Hamas Conflict and its Impact on Central Asia Countries
Subject:The Israel-Hamas conflict and its impact on Central Asia countries. Purpose: This paper presents the CSAG’s analysis regarding the perceptions, consequences, and effects of the Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza on the Central Asian countries (CA). Read the full paper. View other...
CSAG Information Paper: The Dynamics of the Fragile State of Iraq: The Impact of Political, Economic, and Security Factors
Subject: The Dynamics of the Fragile State of Iraq: The Impact of Political, Economic, and Security Factors. Purpose: This paper presents the CSAG’s analysis of the political, economic and security dynamics in Iraq, the extent of Iranian influence within the country, and potential future...
Alumni Publication: "Bilateral Business Councils, an Inclusive Lever of Algeria’s Economic Diplomacy" by Dr. Arslan Chikhaoui
On 5 July 2024,theNESA Center for Strategic Studies published alum Dr. Arslan Chikhaoui'slatest article titled"Bilateral Business Councils, an Inclusive Lever of Algeria’s Economic Diplomacy." "Algeria has decided to rely, in particular, on the lever of bilateral business councils to boost its...
Alumni Publication: "Perception’s Role in Conflict: Understanding and Mitigating its Impact" by Charani Patabendige
On 14 July 2024,Modern Diplomacypublished NESA Center alumnaCharani Patabendige's latest article titled"Perception’s Role in Conflict: Understanding and Mitigating its Impact." "The human mind is a mystery surpassing horizons. What is going on in the mind of a person, the way of thoughts, and...
CSAG Strategy Paper: Deterring the “Exquisite Diplomat”: Unpacking the Complexities of U.S.-Iran Deterrence Dynamics
Introduction: The effectiveness of U.S. deterrence against Iran and its allies varies across different realms of power. In the military realm, the U.S., particularly through CENTCOM, has been relatively successful in deterring Iran. However, in other realms like diplomacy and economics, it is...
Alumni Publication: "BRICS and Climate Change: Balancing National Interests, National Development Goals, and Global Environmental Sustainability" by Hussein Solomon
Dr. Hussein Solomon, an alumnus of the NESA Center, co-authored a book with Sanet Solomon and Bashabi Gupta, titled "BRICS and Climate Change: Balancing National Interests, National Development Goals, and Global Environmental Sustainability." The book is scheduled for publication in October 2024...
Alumni Publication: "Counterterrorism and Strategic Competition" by Syeda Tahreem Bukhari and Abdul Basit
On 24 July 2024, theNESA Center for Strategic Studies published the Op-Ed"Counterterrorism and Strategic Competition"by alumniSyeda Tahreem Bukhari and Abdul Basit. "To safeguard the strategic competition and not to be diverted by the terrorist incidents, it is important to deal with the issue...
Faculty Publication: "Enduring Challenges of Middle East Security and the Evolving Role of the United States" by David Des Roches
The latest edition of the Middle East Journal, the "2024 Special Issue: Iraq since the U.S. Invasion," published by the Middle East Institute, features an insightful review by NESA Center Professor David Des Roches. His article, "Enduring Challenges of Middle East Security and the Evolving Role...
Alumni Publication: "Human Trafficking" by Major Sandun Gunawardana
On 30 July 2024, the NESACenter for Strategic Studies published alumMajor Sandun Gunawardana's latest Op-Ed on human trafficking. "Human trafficking is a severe offence which violates the fundamental human rights of the victims, and it creates physical and mental harassment against the victims...
Alumni Publication: "Libyans Receiving Military Training in South Africa" by Hussein Solomon
On 30 July 2024, think tankResearch on Islam and Muslims in Africa (RIMA) publishedNESA Center alumnus Hussein Solomon's latest article titled"Libyans Receiving Military Training in South Africa." "The 95 Libyans were sent by Libyan warlord Khalifa Haftar for training to South Africa. Libya is...
CSAG Strategy Paper: Understanding the Iranian Threat Network
Introduction: The Iranian Threat Network (ITN) has emerged as a complex and multifaceted challenge in the CENTCOM Area of Operations (AOR). This strategic paper aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the ITN, its models, significance, and the nuanced threat perceptions it engenders...
Alumni Publication: "Breaking Barriers: Empowering Women's Economic Security in South Asia" by Kalpani Gunathilaka Danangalage
In July 2024, theBangladesh Institute of Peace and Security Studies (BIPSS) published NESA Center alumnaKalpani Gunathilaka Danangalage's article titled"Breaking Barriers: Empowering Women's Economic Security in South Asia." "Expanding economic opportunities for women has a domino effect. These...
Alumni Publication: "Confronting the Rise of Radicalization and Terrorism in Africa" by Hussein Solomon
NESA Center alumnusDr. Hussein Solomon authored a chapter in the new book, "India-Africa: Building Synergies in Peace, Security and Development." The book represents an effort to present views on peace, security and development partnership between India and the African countries. India and...
Alumni Publication: "India’s Quest for Nuclear Energy: In Pursuit of Clean Energy Goals, Despite Protests" by Shanthie Mariet D'Souza
On 16 August 2024,The Diplomatpublished NESA Center alumnaShanthie Mariet D'Souza's latest article titled"India’s Quest for Nuclear Energy: In Pursuit of Clean Energy Goals, Despite Protests." "New Delhi has failed to engage seriously with protests and proven unable to have honest conversations...